sbobet篮球(ACLU)是美国宪法权利和公民自由最重要的捍卫者. 科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球是sbobet篮球的一个分支机构, and it is the state’s guardian of freedom, working in the courts, in the legislature, 并在全国各地的社区保护和促进所有人的公民权利和公民自由. Founded in 1952, ACLU of Colorado is a nonpartisan, 非营利组织,致力于实现所有科罗拉多人依法享有平等正义的承诺. 更多sbobet篮球科罗拉多州sbobet篮球的工作和我们坚持的公民自由原则的信息, please visit our website at


科罗拉多州的ACLU是一个提供公平机会的雇主. We believe that having a board, staff, 具有不同身份和背景的志愿者基础增强了我们履行使命的能力,并创造了一个所有社区成员都能茁壮成长的环境. 我们强烈鼓励所有符合条件的人士申请, including people of color, immigrants, women, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, those who have been formerly incarcerated, 以及其他未被充分代表和边缘化群体的成员.

科罗拉多州的ACLU没有种族歧视, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship, disability, veteran status, or record of arrest or conviction. 我们致力于提供一个公平和包容的工作环境,并迅速采取行动,防止和解决任何形式的骚扰或歧视.

Summary of Position

科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球基金会寻求 全职律师助理,向法务总监和代理律师汇报工作. 律师助理将为所有诉讼提供支持,并为法务部的法律宣传和非诉讼策略提供行政支持. 律师助理将与几位律师就构成sbobet篮球案单的各种宪法和公民自由问题进行合作.

 Litigation and Legal Advocacy Support

  • Provide paralegal support for federal, state, and administrative litigation, including impact litigation, appeals, and amicus briefs;
  • Assist in case management, including maintenance of electronic files, physical files, court records, and litigation calendars; anticipate and identify potential litigation tasks and prepare accordingly;
  • Prepare, format, and file legal pleadings in state and federal trial courts and courts of appeal; assist with finalizing pleadings and exhibits; and prepare discovery requests and responses, as appropriate;
  • 研究法庭规则和程序,确保文件的准确性;
  • Coordinate all logistics for depositions, client meetings or conference calls, service of process, courtesy copy delivery, and other litigation support;
  • Draft legal letters, 根据州和联邦法律公开记录请求, and other correspondence, as requested, and manage responses, including calendaring deadlines, and ensuring the deadlines are met; and
  • 根据要求引用支票诉状和/或其他法庭意见书.

Legal Program Support

  • 协助起草和最终确定信函和法律文件, by means of cite-checking, formatting, and proofreading;
  • 协助进行事实研究,以支持当前和潜在的法律辩护和诉讼, through interviews, internet research, and use of open records laws;
  • 支持法律程序,包括跟进调查,电话和记录要求;
  • 协助律师进行与潜在的侵犯公民自由行为有关的事实调查访谈;
  • 处理法律部门收到和发出的邮件;
  • 与通讯人员和律师合作, 在ACLU-CO的网站上为每一个正在进行的法律案件或项目准备和维护网页, 并确保每个案例的网页叙述和附带材料是最新的和准确的;
  • Maintain communication with clients, cooperating attorneys, opposing counsel, 以及整个案件期间的法庭工作人员;
  • 处理法律部门的发票、信用卡对账单以及其他与部门相关的费用;
  • 监督和维护法务部的图书馆和其他资源;
  • 管理实习生的招聘流程,包括发布职位描述, conducting interviews with attorneys, and communicating with applicants;
  • Coordinate monthly legal panel meetings; and
  • 协助完成法律总监和律师指派的特殊项目和其他额外任务.

Required Qualifications

  • 高中学历,三年律师助理经验
  • 组织能力强,注意细节
  • Strong drive and initiative, 能够在许多同时进行的任务和截止日期的环境中很好地管理时间
  • 愿意并渴望参与并帮助任何项目, to learn new skills, and to take ownership of assignments
  • Proficiency with computers and technology, including advanced use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Adobe Acrobat, and ability to conduct internet research
  • 能够掌握新软件,如入库数据库或案件管理程序
  • 优秀的英语阅读理解和写作能力
  • 熟悉和熟悉基本的法律术语和法律程序
  • 具有取得和保持公证员资格的意愿和能力
  • 对公民自由原则和sbobet篮球目标的承诺

Desired Qualifications

  • Spanish speaking and/or writing proficiency
  • Skills in software troubleshooting

Hybrid Work Policy



This position is full-time; the approximate salary range is $49,000-$67,000. 起薪在科罗拉多州sbobet篮球的工资标准范围内. 



  • 100%覆盖员工的医疗、牙科和视力保险
  • 雇主对健康储蓄帐户的缴款
  • 人寿保险、长期伤残保险、意外死亡及伤残保险&D)
  • 401K Defined Contribution Plan
  • 12天带薪假期,2天事假,假期和医疗假
  • Annual Professional Development funds
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

To Apply 

Email a cover letter, resume, writing sample, 还有三封署名为“ACLU-CO律师助理”的邮件 [email protected].  No phone calls, please. 从5月6日开始,简历将以滚动方式进行审查, 2024, and the position will remain open until filled.