丹佛-科罗拉多州ACLU于2021年3月对道格拉斯县学区提起诉讼, 道格拉斯县警长和几名学校资源官员(sro),因为他们粗暴地给一名患有自闭症的11岁西班牙裔儿童戴上了手铐.V.) and left him in a patrol car for hours, 导致他变得如此失调,以至于他反复撞到头部并持续受伤. Without seeking medical attention, 警察开车把孩子送到少年拘留中心,把他关在那里,直到他的父母交了25美元的罚款,000 bond. ACLU of Colorado sued the district and officers involved in this case, 因为他违反了《利记sbobet》和《sbobet篮球》赋予学生的权利.

科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球最近就此案达成了和解,其中包括道格拉斯县学区的重要政策变化,我们相信这将使其学校对残疾学生更安全.  Pursuant to the settlement, 被告已经同意要求道格拉斯县学区指派的sro接受高级培训, 包括由残疾人权利团体创建的培训,以改善执法部门与残疾学生之间的互动.  被告还将确保所有sro审查针对每个学生的行为改进计划(BIP),并在与学生互动时遵守这些计划.  重要的报告要求也将确保sro遵守与学生的bip一致的降级技术.  You can read about the Settlement here

“When we saw him, his forehead and arms were so swollen and bruised,” his mother Michelle Hanson said. “A.V. doesn’t headbang. He must have been extremely dysregulated. After we bailed him out, he wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t speak. A.V. was — is — definitely traumatized. We all are.”

In August 2019, A.V. 当赛奇伍德中学的一位同学用记号笔在他身上写字时,他面临了与残疾有关的挑战. A.V. 是情感需求课堂的一部分,并有一个个性化的教育计划(IEP),概述了他必要的适应和潜在的触发因素, like touch. A.V. 是被学生在他身上写东西引起的,而助教却没有干预. A.V. got upset and poked the other student with his pencil. Even though A.V. 在这之后,他主动离开了教室,并在学校心理学家的帮助下平静下来, sro坚持介入,本来可以建设性处理的情况变成了刑事案件.

道格拉斯县学区和治安官办公室有一种模式和惯例,他们的官员对涉及残疾学生的情况处理不当,不必要地使他们陷入刑事法律体系. 给孩子戴上手铐永远不应该被用作教室管理,让家长支付数千美元的保证金以确保他们安全返回是不可接受的.

长期以来,道格拉斯县对残疾儿童和有色人种儿童进行限制和隔离的比例过高, and referring these students to law enforcement. In the 2018–2019 school year, 道格拉斯县学区比科罗拉多州其他学区限制和隔离了更多的学生. 该地区自己2016-2019年的“约束报告”显示,在70%以上的案件中, the children had “center-based” learning needs and/or moderate needs. 科罗拉多州教育部的一份报告发现,在2018-2019学年,接受特殊教育的学生被移交执法部门的可能性几乎是没有特殊教育需求的学生的三倍. 该研究还表明,拉丁裔学生被提交给执法部门的可能性是非拉丁裔学生的五倍多.

“Across the U.S. and here in Colorado, 学生——尤其是有色人种学生和残疾学生——正在遭受sro以学校安全为幌子的严重伤害,” said ACLU of Colorado Cooperating Attorney Jack Robinson. “这些过度暴力和隐性偏见的经历给学生和家庭造成了创伤, often for years to come, and reinforcing the school to prison pipeline. Children like A.V. don’t need handcuffs or criminal charges — they need compassion, and an understanding of the needs of students with disabilities.”

The SROs involved are deputies who work for the Douglas County Sheriff. None of the SROs were disciplined in A.V.'s case. 相反,SRO西德尼·尼科尔森(Sidney Nicholson)因处理此事而受到赞扬. 他被认为已经完成了SRO的训练,并在事件发生几天后被建议转为单兵. Only months after handcuffing A.V., SRO Nicholson repeated his behavior, 给一名12岁的残疾儿童戴上手铐因为他的病情恶化了. As with A.V., he left that child handcuffed for hours. In both cases, sro的行动导致对这些儿童提出了不必要的刑事指控.

道格拉斯县治安官的政策规定,所有警官都接受过识别精神健康和相关疾病的培训, including autism, and are trained in de-escalation techniques. But in reality, 在与残疾学生互动以及如何保护这些学生的安全方面,sro很少或根本没有接受过培训. In A.V. 's case, sro表现出他们缺乏训练,他们以威胁的方式接近他,使局势升级. Then, although the SROs knew A.V. was hurt, they refused to get him medical attention. As a result of being handcuffed, 被捕并被拘留了几个小时,而他的父母则争先恐后地拿出25美元,000 bond, A.V. now suffers from severe anxiety and PTSD.

“One of A.V. struggles is he doesn’t advocate for himself very well,” Ms. Hanson said. “他还会为自己和朋友们辩护吗?? Will he ever feel safe talking to a police officer again?”


"ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Douglas County School District, Sheriff and SROs for Handcuffing an 11-year-old Child With Autism", March 9, 2021

道格拉斯县学区同意在sbobet篮球对学区的诉讼达成和解后修改政策, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Several School Resource Officers", November 22, 2023


"道格拉斯县学区解决美国残疾人法案诉讼", The Denver Gazette, November 22, 2023

"Douglas County Lawsuit Settled After Boy with Autism Handcuffed", Fox 31, November 22, 2023

"诉讼解决后,道格拉斯县学校和治安官办公室发生了变化", 9 News, November 22, 2023


Timothy R. Macdonald, Mark Silverstein, and Sara R. Neel

Pro Bono Law Firm(s)

Jack Robinson of Spies, Powers & Robinson, P.C., Arielle Herzberg of WilmerHale, and Hugh Q. Gottschalk, Jennifer Parker, Alex Bransford, Kristen Ferries, and Meghan W. Darby Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell LLP

Date filed

March 9, 2021


U.S. District of Colorado


Hon. Charlotte N. Sweeney



Case number
